
@Serialize() decorator and inflate / deflate functions accept options which affect default serialization behaviour.

Decorator options


Applicable to: type and property serializers

Defines serializer function. deflate options passed as a second argument.

    down: (coord: Coord, options) => [coord.x, coord.y]
class Coord {
    public x: number;
    public y: number;


Applicable to: type and property serializers

Defines deserializer function. inflate options passed as a second argument.

    up: (tuple: [number, number], { toPojo }) => Object.assign(
        toPojo ? {} : new Coord(),
        { x: tuple[0], y: tuple[1] }
class Coord {
    public x: number;
    public y: number;


Applicable to: type and property serializers

Overrides the type of serializable.

Default value:

  • For types: Type constructor function
  • For properties: Value of design:type metadata for given property


Applicable to: property serializers | Default: false

Indicates if property can be undefined, otherwise deflate / inflate will throw.

class Book {
    @Serialize({ optional: true }) public isbn: string;


Applicable to: property serializers | Default: false

Indicates if property can be null, otherwise deflate / inflate will throw.

class Book {
    @Serialize({ nullable: true }) public isbn: string;


Applicable to: property serializers

If defined it forces to use different property name in serialized object.

class Book {
    @Serialize({ name: 'summary' }) public description: string;

const book = Object.assign(new Book(), {
    description: 'A popular-science book on cosmology'

    // NOTE: "description" mapped to "summary" in serialized object
    summary: 'A popular-science book on cosmology'

"projection" (decorator option)

Applicable to: type and property serializers | Default: "default"

Forces serializer to be defined in a given projection.

See Projections section for more details.

Serialization options

"projection" (serialization option)

Applicable to: deflate and inflate | Default: "default"

Forces serialization in given projection.

See Projections section for more details.


Applicable to: deflate and inflate | Default: true

If type or property is not serializable in given projection it tries to serialize / deserialize it in "default" projection.

See Projections section for more details.


Applicable to: deflate and inflate | Default: false

By default, if class has own serializer defined and its properties also have serializers (property bag), class own serializer takes precedence over property serializers. Set option to true to serialize instance as a property bag. For recursive serialization this option applied to all nested properties.

@Serialize({ down: (coord: Coord) => [coord.x, coord.y] })
class Coord {
    @Serialize() public x: number;
    @Serialize() public y: number;

const coord = Object.assign(new Coord(), { x: 1, y: 2 });

const obj1 = deflate(coord);
expect(obj1).to.deep.equal([1, 2]);

const obj2 = deflate(coord, { prioritizePropSerializers: true });
expect(obj2).to.deep.equal({ x: 1, y: 2 });


Applicable to: deflate

Serialize instance as if it were of the given type. It completely ignores type's own serializer or its property serializers (if any) and uses serializer from provided type.

See also: POJO

class Foo {
    @Serialize() public id: number;

@Serialize({ down: (bar: Bar) => bar.id })
class Bar {
    public id: number;

const foo = Object.assign(new Foo(), { id: 123 });

expect(deflate(foo)).to.deep.equal({ id: 123 });

expect(deflate(foo, { as: Bar })).to.equal(123);


Applicable to: inflate

Deserialize to plain javascript object. When deserializing a property bag, instead of creating a new instance of given type, it creates an empty JS object and writes all deserialized properties there. In case of recursive serialization it affects deserialization of all nested properties.

See also: POJO

class Foo {
    @Serialize() public id: number;

const foo1 = inflate(Foo, { id: 123 });

const foo2 = inflate(Foo, { id: 123 }, { toPojo: true });