
Projection is one of multiple variants of serialization for a given class. It might be useful when data should be presented in different formats when passed across different data channels.

By default all serializers are defined and serialization / deserialization is done in projection called "default".

Serializers for alternative projections can be defined using @Serialize() decorator with "projection" option:

import { deflate, inflate, Serialize } from 'serialazy';

class Position {

    @Serialize() // <- defined in "default" projection
    @Serialize({ projection: 'alt', name: 'col' })
    public x: number;

    @Serialize() // <- defined in "default" projection
    @Serialize({ projection: 'alt', name: 'row' })
    public y: number;


and later serialized / deserialized using deflate / inflate in required "projection":

const pos = Object.assign(new Position(), { x: 1, y: 2 });

const obj1 = deflate(pos);
expect(obj1).to.deep.equal({ x: 1, y: 2 });

const obj2 = deflate(pos, { projection: 'alt' });
expect(obj2).to.deep.equal({ col: 1, row: 2 });

Another example demonstrates that User serializes to its id when serialized in "api" projection. Note that it's not possible do deserialize it in "api" projection without defining corresponding "up" deserialization function, which can be async to be able to query a database for that user.

import { deflate, inflate, Serialize } from 'serialazy';

@Serialize({ projection: 'api', down: (user: User) => })
class User {
    @Serialize() public id: string;
    @Serialize() public email: string;

const user = Object.assign(new User(), {
    id: "<unique_id>",
    email: '',

    id: "<unique_id>",
    email: '',

expect(deflate(user, { projection: 'api' })).to.deep.equal("<unique_id>");

Fallback to "default" projection

"default" projection has a special role. It is used as a fallback if type is not serializable in given projection. This behaviour can be disabled by setting "fallbackToDefaultProjection" to false when calling deflate / inflate.

Note: Serializers for primitive types (string, number, boolean) are defined in "default" projection and always used as a fallback, regardless of the value of "fallbackToDefaultProjection".